34 results for News

Breaking the Darkness: Tackling energy crisis in Lesotho

Lesotho, often called the Kingdom in the Sky due to its high altitude, faces a severe energy crisis, with nearly half of its population lacking access to reliable electricity.
Breaking the Darkness: Tackling energy crisis in Lesotho

Transforming Interdisciplinary Education: Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) Across Four Continents

The true impact of our actions often unfolds over time, as demonstrated by the students at the SGT FAIR’24 on May 22. Their work showcased how a single student challenge can drive significant change.
SGT24, Participatory outdoor planning as a valuable tool for building trust with local people, Brazil-2024. Source: Karolin Kull.

A Global Learning Space: Empowering Students for Responsible Global Engagement

As part of the EDUCase network, the University of Oulu has offered to be the testing ground of a virtual learning initiative that aims to revolutionize virtual learning.
A Global Learning Space: Empowering Students for Responsible Global Engagement

LUT University and Aalto University export virtual education to Africa

Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) and Aalto University have joined forces to export virtual education to the continent.
Virtual Education in Africa

Integrating entrepreneurship into forestry and agriculture education is critical for Africa

Assistant Professor Patrick Shulist co-develops entrepreneurship education with African partners
Photo: Aalto University/Lasse Lecklin

Student-led efforts for flood mitigation in Nepal

A team of students from Aalto University embarked on a mission to Nepal as part of the Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) programme to collaborate with local institutions and address the pressing issue of flooding in the Himalayan region in Nepal.
SGT programme, PBL South Asia project, Flood-prone village. Source: Csongor Hönich 2022.

Business development in Zambia

Aalto University students embarked on a journey of innovation and collaboration, destined for Lusaka, Zambia in Autumn 2022. The objective of the travel was to tackle the business development case of Trinity Super Nutrition (TSN), a Zambian company specializing in iron-rich precooked beans.
Business development in Zambia

Exploring the challenges and potentials of bioethanol in Kenya: A student-led expedition

In a collaborative effort spanning continents, students from Aalto University’s Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) Studio course embarked on a transformative journey to Kenya.
Exploring the Challenges and Potentials of Bioethanol in Kenya: A Student-led Expedition

Aalto and Sagarmatha Engineering College students lead earthquake safety initiative in Nepal

A team of International Design Business Management (IDBM) students from Aalto University embarked on a transformative journey to Kathmandu, Nepal, as part of the PBL South Asia 2022 project.
Aalto and SEC University students lead earthquake safety initiative in Nepal

International collaboration addresses Kenya's bean commercialization challenge

In an international collaboration, students from the Master's in Industrial Design and Business Management (IDBM) program at Aalto University traveled to Kenya for their Industry Project in Spring 2022. The aim of the project was to tackle the challenge of bean commercialization in Kenya.
PBLBioAfrica, Kenya

Aalto University and Nelson Mandela University join forces in climate-smart forestry entrepreneurship

Through the Forest 21 project, students from diverse backgrounds initiated an innovative approach to address the Invasive Alien Species (IAS) in South Africa and strengthen forestry education.
Forest21 George-South Africa, Spring 2022

Digital solutions for rural Zambia

A group of students delved into the heart of rural Zambia, aiming to enhance the lives of local communities through innovative digital solutions in Autumn 2022.
Digital Solutions for Rural Zambia

Indigenous Venezuelan refugees lead the way in sustainable development

A multidisciplinary student team from Aalto University, together with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), and the Venezuelan Indigenous community Warao a Janoko, collaborated on the Ponto de Encontro project to improve living conditions in Cantá, Northern Brazil.
Design and construction of the rainwater gathering pilot- SGT, Brazil, 2023. Source: Siiri Hänninen.

Enhancing wastewater treatment plant resilience

Three student teams from Mulungushi University, the University of Zambia, and Aalto University joined forces to tackle the challenge of improving the resilience of wastewater treatment plants in Zambia.
Enhancing Wastewater Treatment Plant Resilience

Redefining poultry waste in Zambia

As part of the PBL-BioAfrica initiative, a group of students from Aalto University, the University of Zambia (UNZA), and Mulungushi University addressed a pressing issue in Zambia’s poultry industry by reimagining the use of chicken blood and feathers.
Students workshop, PBL-BioAfrica, Zambia 2023. Source: Vera Väänänen

Empowering communities through natural hazard mitigation

Student teams from Aalto University in Finland and Jigme Namgyel Engineering College (JNEC) in Bhutan have joined forces to address the pressing issue of mitigating the impact of natural hazards in Dewathang, Bhutan. The collaborative project seeks to engage residents and harness local knowledge to enhance community resilience.
The student teams with local stakeholders explaining initiatives such as the plantation of local vegetation for hazard mitigation. Bhutan, 2023

UniPID and TENK release ethical guidelines for Global South academic partnerships

As academic partnerships with the Global South continue to gain popularity, issues related to resource distribution, power dynamics, and whose voices are heard and valued often arise and are replicated in academic collaborations, regardless of the thematic area of the collaboration.
AgriSCALE project, Students and mentors from the International Design Business Management program (IDBM)-Aalto University, University of Zambia, and Egerton University, Lusaka-Zambia, 2023. Source: Yose Photography

Water purification in Mayan Village-Mexico

In a pioneering initiative, Aalto University students from the Sustainable Global Technologies (SGT) programme addressed water contamination in El 20, a Mayan village in Calakmul, Mexico. This groundbreaking project is part of the collaborative Action Lab Mexico (ALM) programme, joining forces with Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Universidad Modelo.
Water Purification in Mayan Village-Mexico

Exploring silk weaving in India: A journey of discovery

In collaboration with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) -Guwahati, Aalto University's International Design Business Management (IDBM) Industry Project student team embarked on a transformative two-week field work to Guwahati-India, to delve into the intricate world of the local silk weaving industry.
Exploring Silk Weaving in India: A Journey of Discovery

Production of affordable and nutritious food in Zambia

Students from Aalto University's International Design Business Management program (IDBM) embarked on a student challenge in Zambia, delving into the world of sustainable agribusiness and international design.
Production of affordable and nutritious food in Zambia